A Note From Cate: Looking Ahead to 2021
A quarterly note from BBCIC Executive Director Cate Lockhart, MS, PharmD, PhD.
March 2021
Dear BBCIC Participants and Supporters,
Happy New Year!
I hope you had some well-deserved time to relax and recharge over the holidays! 2020 was a challenging year for the world, and I can’t help but see the light that 2021 will bring on the horizon. We have all had to test our perseverance and stamina, and I’m proud of the accomplishments and contributions by the BBCIC community to continue pushing our research forward.
The year is off to a strong start, with THREE manuscripts accepted and published already in 2021! Our patience for the looooong peer review cycles in 2020 has indeed paid off. We also have two abstracts that were accepted for poster presentation at the AMCP 2021 Virtual Meeting in April, and another two submitted for consideration for ISPOR 2021 to be held virtually in May. We have a number of manuscripts in preparation, including several scoping reviews of the literature to build the foundation of our research efforts, and we are excited to get a glimpse at the data for our Comparative Safety and Effectiveness research in G-CSF products. Even though we may still face a backlog in peer-review times for many journals, we will continue to submit our work and make sure our efforts are noticed.
We continue to make progress across all our research programs and have begun planning in earnest for the next round of projects including:
Applying the oncology workgroup recommendations for data sources to consider for conducting a comparative analysis of trastuzumab products.
Evaluation of the treatment trajectory and switching patterns among patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
And contributing to the scientific narrative with our next methods and infrastructure studies.
Please see our Q1 newsletter for the progress we have made, and a sneak peek into what we have in store for BBCIC research!
It takes a village to raise a consortium, and we are grateful for your continued support and engagement!
Cate Lockhart, MS, PharmD, PhD