2024 Progress So Far
A quarterly note from BBCIC Executive Director Cate Lockhart, MS, PharmD, PhD.
July 2024
Dear BBCIC Participants and Supporters,
A lot of exciting things are happening so far this year! BBCIC was first convened by AMCP in June of 2015. In the nine years since then we have grown from that start-up into a highly capable and respected organization with demonstrated expertise and a deep portfolio of publications and research accomplishments. Here are some highlights:
- 20 studies completed to date, including 9 utilization analyses, 5 descriptive analyses, 5 methods and infrastructure studies, and 1 comparative safety and effectiveness study.
- 2 active federal grants – cooperative agreements with FDA to demonstrate how real-world data from the U.S. and from countries outside the U.S. could be used for FDA regulatory decisions on biosimilars and interchangeable biosimilars.
- 16 peer-reviewed manuscripts have been published, and over 45 posters have been presented. AND COUNTING!
On June 11th, BBCIC participants converged in person at AMCP Headquarters or virtually via Zoom for our Annual Spring Meeting. As always, everyone brought their energy and enthusiasm to the meeting for a day-long program that included a workshop to summarize our recent publications into patient-centric abstracts. See below in this newsletter for more about the meeting.
Finally, at the AMCP Annual Meeting that was held in April in New Orleans, we publicly announced launching the AMCP Research Institute, which builds on the success of BBCIC to further elevate research at AMCP. Our flagship initiative, BBCIC, remains unchanged as part of the AMCP Research Institute. We are excited to continue growing as an organization to expand the reach of our important work.
As always, we have a lot going on, and I have to say CONGRATULATIONS to all of BBCIC for your ongoing support, enthusiasm, and perseverance to continue to produce high-quality, important research. And I have to say THANK YOU for all those same reasons. We are tiny but mighty!
It takes a village to raise a consortium, and we are grateful for your continued support and engagement!
Kind Regards,
Cate Lockhart, MS, PharmD, PhD